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Victoria Primary SchoolTogether we aim for the stars

Lunch Menu & Parent Pay/Bwydlen Cinio a Thal Rhiant



Dinner Money


School dinners cost £2.45 per day, £12.25 per week but as of April 1st 2023 there will be an increase of 5 pence a day, £2.50 per day, £12.50 a week. We operate a 'Cashless Catering' system which means that all dinner money should be paid online at If you are unable to do this please pay via Pay Point at the Spa Shop in Stanwell Road, Penarth. Please contact the office for further details. Meals are charged directly to the schools budget. Therefore, any unpaid school meals will have an effect on the budget of the school and the resources we can supply.

If you are entitled to claim Free School Meals, please contact the Benefits Office on 01446 709529 who will process your claim.

We would really like everyone entitled to free school meals to register even if they don’t want to take school dinners; the school receives additional funding for every child who is registered for free school meals. Please help us to help your children by accessing every penny available to the school.


We offer a piece of seasonal fruit each day in Foundation Phase. Your child may bring a snack to eat at from home however, as supported by our Governors, we promote ‘healthy’ snacks – fresh fruit or veg only please. Nuts and nut products are not permitted as we have a number of children with severe nut allergies.


On special occasions, children may be given small edible treats e.g. Christmas sweets, Easter eggs, class rewards etc. If you are not happy for your child to receive and eat such treats, please ensure that you inform us. Please note that this only happens very occasionally since we are keen to promote healthy options.


We encourage the children to drink water throughout the day. Please provide your child with a named water bottle.


Did you know you can pay your school online?

ParentPay is the school online payment system that lets you make secure online payments by credit and debit card.  You can also pay in cash at local PayPoint stores.

Hundreds of thousands of parents use ParentPay to pay schools online. It’s used to make cashless payments in schools for dinner money

Make convenient and safe cashless payments in schools.

Our school online payment system gives you a more convenient and flexible way to pay school online and helps to keep your child safe.  By making cashless payments you know that your money has reached the school safely. 
You can view your account statement and payment history, check when payments need to be made and set alerts to tell you when to pay school online. 
Please click on the ParentPay link to be taken to the website for more information and frequently asked questions.

Please click on the link below for the carbohydrate count
