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Victoria Primary SchoolTogether we aim for the stars


Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

The Governors

The Governing Body meet at least once each term as a whole Body, and sub committees meet regularly and report back to the full body. A report to parents is compiled every year. With the increasing workload, it is necessary for governors to attend training courses to learn the extra skills needed for the management of schools. To this end, our governors have attended LEA sponsored training sessions throughout the County during the past year. Parents/Guardians and anyone with concern for the well being of the school and the pupils should not be afraid to approach our Governors on any matter, however small that matter seems to be. It is only with your help that we can attempt to constantly improve the conditions and effectiveness of our School.
When parent governors end their term of office, there will be an election for each vacancy as and when it arises and any parent is eligible for election. A parent by definition includes 'a guardian and every person who has actual custody of the child.' All people with a 'parental responsibility.' Any parent seeking nomination will require a proposer and a seconder from amongst the other parents, either of which may be a spouse. The Authority will issue a standard nomination form, which will contain space for candidates to provide a short (up to 50 words) statement of information about themselves. This information will be circulated with all ballot papers to all parents on the school voting list. An election will only be necessary if the number of nominations received exceeds the number of vacancies available for parent governors on the Governing Body. The election is a secret ballot. Each parent has one vote per vacancy, irrespective of the number of children he/she has in the school. Proxy voting is not allowed. Simple majority decides the election. The candidates receiving the highest number of votes are elected.

Governor Annual report to Parents 2023-24

Governors Annual Report 2021 - 22

Governors Annual Report 2020 - 21

Governor Annual report 2019 - 20

Governors Annual Report 2018-19

Governors Annual Report 2017-18
