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Victoria Primary SchoolTogether we aim for the stars


If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.





Children can enter the Nursery class in the autumn term when they are rising four or at the start of the new term after their third birthday if there is room. Children transfer from Nursery to the Reception class in the September of the year they are rising five if they satisfy Vale admissions criteria.

All parents wishing to register their children for Nursery or reception should do so at the earliest opportunity. All parents have to apply to the county council who authorize all admissions. Pupils living in the catchment area will be given priority and then older siblings living outside the area.

When families apply from outside the catchment area, priority is given to children with siblings already in the school and then distance from the school is the last criteria taken into consideration.

Please notify the school as well as it helps us to forecast numbers for the following year and this affects our annual budget allocation from the LEA.


Parents wishing to send their children to our school are very welcome to visit before any decision is made. Please contact the school for an appointment with a member of the school senior management team. Open days are held regularly for parents of prospective nursery and reception pupils.


The children's ages range from three to eleven years, and when they leave the majority of children go on to Stanwell Comprehensive School.



Parents moving into the area should make an appointment to view the school but again the county council must give authorization.

Pupils will be accepted if numbers allow in the appropriate age groups.

Parents living outside the normal catchment area may apply to the LEA if they wish their children to attend Victoria Primary School. It is best to notify us first and we will give details of persons to whom applications should be made. Normally, applications are successful if there are vacancies in the school. If the application is not successful then parents may lodge an appeal.

We have several pupils from other areas that have joined us because parents have been impressed with our ethos, facilities, high standards of achievement and exceptional care and guidance.



If you wish your child to attend Victoria Primary School please contact the number above or click on the link below.

Nursery Virtual Tour
